Versant - A Higher Level of Language Assessment

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The Philippines has ranked anywhere from the third to the sixth country who can read and write the English language even at a rudimentary level. As such this status has catapulted the country to be a top destination for outsourcing businesses. It is nevertheless imperative to note that the country’s pool of talent has to be at par with global standards especially in terms of English Language proficiency.

Related: The Effect of Versant on your Recruiting Process

Versant is such a tool that can help identify and address key points in the learning curve of an individual relative to his/her English Language skills. The tests are used in various high stake situations and assess language proficiency from early beginner to highly advanced language learners.

What is the Versant Language Test?
  • Technology based, automatically scored
  • Several versions scaled for different needs and budgets
  • Proven to be valid and reliable
  • Available in English, Spanish, Arabic, Dutch, and French
  • New test for English writing skills

The score interpretations are based on samples of speakers representing an array of language backgrounds including Arabic, Chinese, Gujarati, Hindi, Hungarian, Korean, Polish, Japanese, and Spanish.

How Versant is used

Versant automatically evaluates the English speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills of non-native English speakers, using speech processing technology and a unique implementation of latent semantic analysis. Its technology is built using criteria developed by professional linguists ensuring a very high accuracy level. It is mapped to common English framework scales, developed and matched with other speaking tests like IELTS, TOEIC, and TOEFL with a correlation within the 0.7 – 0.9 range.

Case studies for prominent industries have proven that Versant has effectively improved alignment across recruiting and training as well as the cost from previous oral interviews.

Business Impact of Using Versant
  • Improve the quality of communication
  • Reduce the number of “mistake” hires
  • Improve productivity
  • Reduce complaints attributed to language problems
  • Improve alignment across teams, regions
  • Reduce screening time, enabling faster hiring decisions

The global workplace requires employees to interact frequently with colleagues around the world, most often in English. Grammar and vocabulary are prevalently needed in all aspects of operations from meetings to everyday interactions.

The Versant Writing Test

The structured test aims to gauge the ability of an examinee to understand English input and write accurate, appropriate texts at a functional pace for everyday and workplace purposes. The measurement is based on five key elements as follows:
Organization reflects how well the candidate presents ideas and information in written English in a clear and logical sequence. It checks how well the writer can guide readers through written text and highlight significant points using discourse markers.
Vocabulary reflects how well the candidate understands and produces a wide range of words in written English from everyday and workplace situations. The score is based on accuracy and appropriacy of word-use for topic, purpose, and audience.
Grammar reflects how well the candidate understands, anticipates and produces a variety of sentence structures in written English. The technology is based on the ability to use accurate and appropriate words and phrases in meaningful sentences.
Voice and Tone reflect how well the candidate establishes an appropriate relationship with the reader by adopting an appropriate style and level of formality. The writer's ability to address the reader's concern and to have an overall positive effect on his/her content is the focal point of this part of the exam.
Reading reflects how well the candidate understands written English texts. The test is designed to gauge the ability to operate at functional speeds to extract meaning, enter the message, and respond appropriately.

versant language test
Other High Stake uses of the Versant Technology
  • Immigration in the Netherlands
  • Airline Pilots and Air Traffic Controllers Worldwide (co-developed with FAA)
  • Border Patrol Agents in the US
  • Test of spoken Chinese for the Chinese Government
  • Speaking section of the NASSCOM Assessment of competency for BPO

TDS is the exclusive distributor of Versant Language Tests in the Philippines, to know more about the product and how we can help, you can e-mail us at


About TDS Global Solutions (formerly TeleDevelopment Services Inc.)

TDS has established key partnerships with organizations to serve and stimulate growth in the IT-BPM industry. It has spent decades providing outsourcing solutions, management consulting services,talent assessments, executive recruitment, and vendors election &management  for crucial departments of call center operations. For more info, please email TDS at or dial US number(1-888) 788-4441.

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