Save up to 70% on costs by outsourcing your call center services and BPO to a nearby country.
With decades of experience and a vast vendor network, TDS Global Solutions matches businesses with the best call center service providers to satisfy their operational needs.
Companies Served
Global Agents
Average CSAT Score
Moving call center locations to a nearby country is a growing alternative to offshore outsourcing. Nearshore call centers yield many of the same benefits as those offshore, such as lower costs of labor, and highly skilled English-speaking workers. However, it also provides a closer physical proximity, similar business cultures, and shared time zones that allow for easier communication and streamlined business processes.
Youth Unemployment Rate (ages 15-34)
Working Age Population (15-64)
Business Language(s)
Call Center Industry Growth Rate
Estimates indicate that nearshore call centers typically have a cost savings of 40-60% compared to U.S. call centers. These estimates are based on workforce retention rates, such as education level, communication skills, healthcare and paid time off.
In Chile, U.S. companies save on both labor costs and taxes because Chileans are responsible for their own social security contributions and tax incentives are available.
Nearshore call centers are most commonly located in large cities, metropolitan areas or commercial hubs of nearby countries. These locations are easy to access from the U.S. and typically contain the highest populations of working-class individuals. Some nearshore locations with a large number of call centers include Mexico, Colombia and Guatemala.
Nearshore call center agents can make between $6,000 to $31,000 USD per year depending on the country. Compare that to the cost of a salaried agent in the U.S. who can make upwards of $50,000 per year.
These numbers also vary based on individual employee experience and necessary training. For example, in Mexico, call center employees make around $6,000 per year, whereas in Chile, an agent can make close to $12,000 per year.
Nearshore call centers offer large, skilled, multilingual workforces at a significant discount. The shared time zones and similar business cultures make nearshoring a natural fit for US companies. The individual countries that qualify as “nearshore” also present their own unique advantages. Brazil is just one example, known for being a top nearshoring country with its linguistic diversity and high GDP.
Starting a nearshore call center (or another outsource location in our extensive network) starts with a needs analysis to develop a deep understanding of your business and scope your company’s outsourced requirements.
TDS Global Solutions works with you to customize an RFP specific to your business, match you to best-fit contact centers, and facilitate selection, coordination, and contract negotiations.
Finding the right location for your call center and then carrying it all the way to execution causes companies undue strain when forced to do it on their own. TDSGS streamlines this entire process from start to finish and with little to no fees involved for our advisory services.